Collage Art by Jena Martin, featuring Cassandra as painted by Frederick Sandys.
"Have I missed the mark, or, like true archer, do I strike my quarry? Or am I prophet of lies, a babbler from door to door?" (Cassandra. Aeschylus, Agamemnon 1194).
All quotes taken from:
The Courage to Heal; a guide for women survivors of child sexual abuse First Edition, 1988 Ellen Bass and Laura Davis.
For additional audio background about this book, please listen to Conspirituality podcast
Telling Incest; Dangerous Rememberings From Stein to Saphire. Doane and Hodges, 2001
Meredith Maran Interview 5/22/23
Mark Pendegrast Interview 6/14/23
Frederick Crews
Overview: Crews and the Recovered Memory Movement
The Memory Wars: Freud’s legacy in disrepute
Freud: the making of an illusion